
For years, I was like every one of you. I went out to eat far too often and then I moved to Las Vegas, NV. I realized my meager salary wasn’t going to provide me the lifestyle I was used to in Utah. So, I gained some training and then I picked up a few recipes and a smoker.
I think it is time that everyone put down the take out and join me on the porch.
Cooking at home not only helps lead to healthier and saving money, but it’s also an amazing time spent with family and friends. You won’t get that at the local diner.
I have posted hundreds of recipes on Marinate Me Baby. For each one, I do my very best to give full walkthroughs on what I did and the tips on what I did. I am in the midst of refreshing photo’s as I have time to replace the older ones of my questionable youth and crapy camera.
Marinate Me Baby was a slogan I heard on the radio when I was driving into work. It fit my exact culinary station in life and it spoke to my soul. It was me getting out of my own way and biting the bullet to get the culinary training I had always wanted. Conquering my fears of cooking and becoming a chef. If I can do it, so can you!

My name is Brian Child and I write and manage Marinate Me Baby. I love to cook. With that said, I don’t just do marinades, rubs, and smokers. I love to cook for people from all walks of life and budgets. I love new things!
I live in the Greater Middle Georgia area with my wife and super supporter, Cindy. Our Son Connar, and Our Daughter still live in Utah. Aleatha and Her husband have 3 amazing kids, we are lucky to be Nana and PaPa to!
If you have a question about any recipe, it’s always best to leave a comment on that specific recipe or post and I will do my very best to get back to you promptly.
If you have just a general question on anything, or just want to meet my acquaintance, you can always CONTACT ME HERE.