Barbecue Chicken Tacos with Cabbage and Queso

Barbecue Chicken Tacos with Cabbage and Queso

Tacos are one of my very favorite foods EVER! Terrific Tacos are even more amazing! Barbecue Chicken Tacos combine my love for barbecue, smoking, and tacos all in one. What has taken my obsession to this level? Well, it hasn’t always been there, just percolating...
Quick Tomatillo Sauce

Quick Tomatillo Sauce

I like to think of Tomatillos Sauces as a gift from God! No, I am not over dramatizing this at all. As I get older I find this tart green fruit is amazing and there are so many ways to use a sauce like this. The key is, making it quick and simple. Alright, before I...
Fajita Marinade Recipe

Fajita Marinade Recipe

Let’s face it.  Fajitas are just good eating any time of the year.  Mix in some family and friends for a Holiday – and what you have is a very inexpensive way to throw a holiday party and it cost you very little out of your own pocket. Think...
Perfect Steamed Rice

Perfect Steamed Rice

I find that with my family, we want to continue to broaden our dish repertoire.  I would like to say it’s because of super cool “Cheffy” (yes that’s a new word I just invented) reason.  However, it is more to keep from getting into a...
Sonoran Hot Dogs

Sonoran Hot Dogs

In Tucson, Arizona there are a myriad of roadside stands, food trucks and local restaurants feeding thousands of hungry patrons with a delicious taste treat known from the Sonoran region of Mexico.  What are they eating?  Why they are eating a bacon wrapped hot dog...

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