I have loved these Mashed Parsnip Potatoes for over a decade now. They are the greatest side dish that I have ever had. I know you think that I may be exaggerating, I am not. If you are reading this blog, then you like protein. These Parsnip Mashed Potatoes are the perfect compliment to any meat dish. It is lighter than traditional mashed potatoes and when you run them through a ricer with the potatoes, you just have to make them.

Mashed Parsnips & Potoates
2018-01-26 12:54:50

- 4 Lbs Potatoes (Yukon Gold)
- 2 Lbs Parsnips
- Koser Salt and Fresh Cracked Black Pepper (To Taste)
- 1 Cup Heavy Cream
- 1 Cup Sour Cream
- 1/2 Stick Butter (1/4 cup)
- 2 Tablespoons Chives (chopped)
- 1/2lb Pancetta (Diced and Rendered into Lardons)
- Peel and cut your potatoes and parsnips into even sized pieces.
- Place them in a large dutch oven, cover them with cold water and add a large pinch of salt. Bring the pot to a boil and simmer until the vegetables are fork tender. This should take about 20 - 30 minutes.
- Meanwhile, in small pot gently heat the cream, sour cream and butter over low heat. When the vegetables are done, drain them well. Place the vegetables back into the pot over medium heat. Gently stir them to remove any additional moisture; ensure they do not burn.
- While the potatoes and parsnips are still warm, press them through a potato ricer into a bowl. Add the warm cream a little at a time and mix with a wooden spoon until fluffy.
- Season with salt and pepper and garnish with the chives and pancetta. Serve immediately.
- Pancetta is an Italian cured bacon. You can find it at your local grocery store, generally in their deli department. In Utah, I can find it at Harmon's Grocery Store.
- Please note this is not a recipe for people on a low fat diet. 😀
Marinate Me Baby https://marinatemebaby.com/