To get the best results out of your meat, you need to get a very deep penetration into the cell structure. Traditionally, we have had two different methods to impart flavor to your protein. Marinades and brines. The challenge is, separately these techniques have their limitations: marinades only get the very surface and as a result, the flavors never really penetrate deep enough. Brining will go deep enough, however it will not impart the caramel goodness a great marinade will provide. Additionally, if you brine for too long the meat becomes mealy.
The answer to delicious and yet moist meat is Brinderaiding. Yes, that is too a word! It is a combination of the two different methods. Instead of brining for a day like you would a turkey, you only brine for 2-3 hours. In this case, you marinade and braise at the same time. The result is a sugary, savory, yet moist protein that will not disappoint!
Of course, you will never go wrong with Epic’s Brainless on Cherries with this dish. Danielle reports that it’s heaven on earth!
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