
2012-07-25 08.58.51

Apple Beer

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you Apple Beer! This fine beverage is Alcohol-Free, Caffeine-Free, and yes Gluten-Free. And the Masses rejoice! This beverage is a local Utah product, so some of you back east folks might not quite know what to make of this beverage.

2012-07-07 18.10.25

Apple Beer has a clean, crisp taste and goes very well with with conversation. Many people use this in place of an adult soda. (Note that Martinelli’s is also a common substitute for those who choose not to imbibe)

On their website they have this awesome Locater function:

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Simply type in your zip code and boom – you will know where you can find Apple Beer! This search was for the Bronx, NY. So, Bronx residents – you can thank me in the comments section. You are welcome!

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I have to admit, I am slightly addicted to this product even though it doesn’t have any Alcohol or Caffeine it it. This is my confession!  Be sure to tag your photo when you purchase your #PDR with that hashtag via Instagram and Twitter

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Marinate Me Baby
2012-07-25 08.58.51
2012-07-07 18.10.25
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